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The site sits at the huge community area where there are lots of alleyways. These alleyways around and within the site are deep and private, and they are also connected to the inner spaces which give the feeling of isolation.


Bringing the attraction for people to come to the site is the main challenge. Zooming out to look at the bigger scale of the site, personally found out the site itself is an unwelcome space. The threshold of the site is the alleyway where it is narrow and dark and is the only connection to the public.

Design strategy:


The alleyway is the main entrance linked to the site in this project. Sticking photos done by the stop-motion on the wall will bring the sense of actual moving images rather than flipping paper when people enter it.


This design contains two different but related functions which are daily activities and night activities. The design functions as a studio for making stop-motion, editing and workshop in the daytime. During the night-time, the country yard becomes a place for watching films and the films will project on the wall.

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